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Another wine vision has been successfully completed! The second international wine fair “Wine Vision by Open Balkan”, held from November 16 to 19, proved once again that it is the largest and most recognizable wine festival in this part of Europe.


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Another international festival of wine, food and tourism “Wine Vision by Open Balkan” was held under the auspices of the governments of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, and as part of the Open Balkans initiative.

Again, the executive production of this unique event was entrusted to the creative and production team of M2Communications, and the fair brought together the best wine producers from the region and the world in one place. More than 600 exhibitors from almost 30 countries participated in this unique event, which was visited by several tens of thousands of wine lovers over the course of four days.

The creative concept called “Wine as a constant of civilization” was based on the idea that the cultivation of vines and the production of wine are inextricably linked with the history and progress of people (and all of humanity) in different time periods. Visitors and oenophiles had such a unique opportunity to travel through space and time while enjoying the quality wines of the region and the world.

The organization of an event of this magnitude was a complex and multidimensional project, which included numerous aspects of production and the realization of a series of accompanying programs and exhibitions, and visitors had the opportunity to visit thematically differently designed halls. The entire display of the Wine Vision by Open Balkan was realized in six halls of the Belgrade Fair and was divided into three units: The Roots of Wine Culture, The Wonderful World of Wine, and A View of the Future, which talked about the past, present, and perspectives of winemaking and the wine industry in our country and in the world.


The Serbian Association of Managers held the prestigious SAM Gala event for the 12th time in a row, during which it awarded the “SAM Annual Awards” to the best individuals and companies.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

The SAM Gala event, which this year was held under the motto Next Level Business, was held in the immersive hall of the recently renovated Sava Center and was attended by nearly 400 members of the association, prominent representatives of the business community, media and other public figures in our country.

The executive production of this traditional business gathering, held on December 11, 2023, was entrusted to the creative team of our agency, and the key word of this year’s event was responsibility.

Therefore, the basic idea of ​​the Next Level Business concept was focused precisely on responsibility towards people, young people, the planet and the environment, but also on the role of business leaders in creating a sustainable and better future for generations to come.

SAM Annual awards are given in the following categories: manager of the year, young manager of the year, employer of the year, socially responsible company of the year, award for personal heroism, as well as special jury awards.

With a symphony of images and sound, the best managers and companies in 2023 were announced at the traditional SAM Gala event.


Another project of wider social importance, whose goal is to improve the health of individuals and prevent and control serious diseases, was successfully implemented.

Namely, the pilot campaign “Aorta is not only in the heart”, which provided all interested citizens over the age of 50 with a free, quick and painless ultrasound examination of the abdomen, recorded an exceptional response from the target public.

Our creative team designed the slogan and elements of the promotional campaign, which included striking visuals, a website, informative flyers, as well as a branded mobile clinic – a truck with an ultrasound machine and equipment for diagnostic examination – which “cruised” throughout Serbia.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

We created the campaign slogan in response to the belief of many that the aorta is closely connected with the heart, as well as insufficient knowledge of the fact that there is a stomach aorta that is a major cause of health diseases.

The results of this important campaign speak for themselves: in 12 days in seven cities of Vojvodina, southern and eastern Serbia, more than 4,000 citizens were examined and about 150 abdominal aortic aneurysms requiring surgical treatment were discovered.

Bearing in mind that bursting or rupture of an aneurysm is one of the leading causes of death in our country and in the world, with this campaign we wanted to raise awareness about this disease, its consequences, but also the importance of prevention in preserving individual and public health.

The screening project was initiated by our client, the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Serbia, with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery UKCS.


For Transport Community, we developed an educational campaign called “Public Awareness Raising Campaign – Safety of Level Crossings.”

The campaign’s goal was to raise public awareness about the (un)safe crossing of the railroad tracks, especially regarding different types of vehicles and pedestrians. This campaign targeted the widest audience, especially future drivers and students.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

Level crossings present one of the biggest challenges in railway safety. And yet, despite numerous warnings, traffic road users still take risks and underestimate the dangers of level crossings.

Our idea was to use an impactful, emotional, yet creative approach to convey to traffic road users what can happen to each of us as a result of a moment of distraction when crossing railroads.

The campaign slogan is: “It’s a thin line…”, which can have several evident and symbolic meanings.

“It’s a thin line…” is not only the beginning of the people talking about the “thin line between life and death,” but the term “line” here can also be interpreted as a synonym for railways and roads, multi-directional communication, good and bad behavior of participants in the traffic, etc.

Also, one of the significant elements of the creative solution is the railway, i.e., the crossing of rails and roads, as well as the ECG line, which turns from a curvy “life-like” line into a straight line, which can also imply the tragic end of the life of a careless traffic road user.

Implementing the “It’s a thin line…” campaign included communication and marketing strategy, design and production of TVC, animated educational videos, and printed flyers.

The project is part of the global initiative “Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030”, which aims to reduce the number of fatal road accidents by 2030 by at least 50%.

“It’s a Thin Line” campaign was implemented in markets of the Western Balkan countries.


The largest event of the year in Serbia – the First International Wine Fair “Wine Vision by Open Balkan”, was successfully released at the Belgrade Fair from September 1 to 4, 2022.

Under the auspices of the governments of Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania, and as part of the Open Balkan initiative, the fair gathered the best wine producers in the region in one place and promoted the entire Balkan as an increasingly popular wine and tourist destination.


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Wine & Spirits

The concept and naming of the event were conceived and realized by the creative team of our agency, and visitors had the opportunity to visit thematically differently designed halls.

Creative inspiration was found in the aesthetics of the landscape and the unique ecosystem of the vineyard – better known as “terroir” – which represents the synthesis of climate, soil, climate, as well as the skills of the producers of the best wines in the world.

Also, the event is conceptually inspired by the striking convergence of traditional and modern wineries.

There, in one place, you could find old, museum exhibits related to growing vines and wine production, but also the most modern LED screens that educated visitors in an interesting and innovative way about the history, origin and types of wine, as well as the production process.

The interior decoration was completed by the installation of an artificial river with real water, which flowed through a part of the ground floor in the hall. Also, the complete branding of over 90 promotional surfaces of various formats contributed to the visual impact of the Wine Vision by Open Balkan.

The so-called “Digital grapes” were particularly attractive to visitors, placed in Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair in four places. Each of these four massive steel installations had a size of 6×5.5m, and a weight of over 3 tons, and on each “bunch” there were 130 LED panels that broadcast different audio-visual content.

Almost 400 exhibitors and wine producers from more than 20 countries participated in this unique event, which was held in as many as six halls – 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, and 5 – of the Belgrade Fair.

More than 230 exhibitors from the countries of the Open Balkan initiative were present at the fair, as well as a large number of wineries from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Argentina, Chile, South Africa…

The first international wine fair “Wine Vision of the Open Balkans” began with a ceremonial opening attended by the highest officials of the Open Balkan countries.

On this occasion, the fair competition “Wine Trophy by Open Balkan”, numerous professional gatherings and masterclasses, as well as B2B meetings where exhibitors had the opportunity to expand their business, were held.

The size and complexity of the entire exhibition are also represented by the following interesting data: in an area larger than 45.000 square meters, over 300 square meters of LED screens are used, a wide variety of audio-visual content was broadcasted; over 10,000 square meters of carpet and more than 2,000 m2 of printed PVC floor were used; over 200 pieces of various props and more than a hundred units of plants, including 40 trees, were provided.

The following partners participated in the production and organization of the event: BeoExpo System, Skymusic Production, Bulb Creation, Pozitiv MVP, Freeline Studio, Specific, Zoom Media, Integraltechnic, Mini Bees studio, video production NEO – New Entertainment Office and many others.


The promotion of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was held on January 18th, at the world exhibition Dubai EXPO 2020.

As part of the thematic week “Global Goals”, AP Vojvodina presented its economic potential in the pavilion of the Republic of Serbia, with special emphasis on the automotive industry, agribusiness and information technology sectors, which are considered their greatest asset.

The role of the virtual moderator at the event was played by the LA-LA robot, which entertained the present guests but also informed them about all the industrial potentials that Vojvodina has at its disposal.

Our team was in charge of the creative concept of promotion as well as the realization of events on the ground.


Experience Design & Event Production


Government, Business Associations and NGO


At the place where it all began, 60 years later, the anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement was marked. This high diplomatic gathering was held at the Belgrade Fair on October 11 and 12, and one of the most important tasks belonged to our team.

On this occasion, Belgrade hosted over 100 foreign delegations, including presidents and 40 foreign ministers. The co-organizers of this year’s conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, Serbia and Azerbaijan, had the opportunity to welcome the delegations in a solemn and impressive atmosphere.


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The event was officially opened with an audio-visual spectacle, animation that was integrated by mapping on the floor in the central part of the hall, on four large LED screens and a special installation above the delegate table made of transparent LED screens.

The art directorate of the 60th anniversary is based on the motifs of water colors, which, by melting and changing colors, evoked the story of the origin of the Non-Aligned Movement, history and symbols, as well as the goals they strive for in the future.

Special attention was attracted by the impressive installation in the main hall, on an area of ​​as much as 220 square meters. The installation consisted of wildlife full of flowers and greenery, symbolizing Serbian landscapes.

We directed TV and broadcast and live streaming of the two-day meeting, and our signal was taken over by national television, news agencies and media from the country, the region and the world.

Participants in the production and organization of the event were: BeoExpo System, Skymusic Production, Bulb Creation, Pozitiv MVP, Freeline Studio, Ivan Aran Studio, Prosound and video production NEO – New Entertainment Office.


The European year of Rail, 2021, was solemnly marked by holding the Western Balkans Rail Summit on September 13th in Belgrade. The main goal of this meeting was to make the railway stand out as one of the safest and most sustainable modes of transport.

We organized the first Western Balkans Rail Summit at the initiative of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and under the auspices of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of Serbia.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

The summit was attended by delegations from the Western Balkans, as well as six Western Balkan ministers, who discussed investment in rail transport and railway policy reforms that will make rail travel more attractive to citizens and the region’s economy.

The first railway summit was held in the form of a hybrid event, as a combination of live presence and online speakers. Our task was to create a creative concept of the event, the visual identity of the first Rail Summit, as well as the realization of the project.

The future is on tracks.


The project “Parallel Reality – Harsh Actuality” for the non-governmental organization Astra, was implemented in order to raise awareness about human trafficking.

The problem of human trafficking seems like a parallel reality as if it is invisible and happens far from us, but it is a problem in which such phenomena seem imperceptible, while the reality is different and even harsher. That is our harsh actuality.

The campaign points to the three most common forms of human trafficking: sexual exploitation, child exploitation, and labor exploitation.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

The “creative devices” of the campaign were imaginary chains. The imaginary chain strongly symbolizes everything that a human trafficker uses to bind his victim: blackmail, coercion, punishment, threat, fear, which is not visible at first glance. The campaign seeks to make these chains more visible and teaches us to recognize them more easily.

Results achieved:

1. Media:
• 12 TV guest appearances
• 106 posts on the web and social media channels
• 32 publications in print editions

2. Social Networks:
• Total reach 645,000 users
• Total view 201,500 views
• Total engagement 22,200 reactions

The “Parallel Reality-Harsh Actuality” campaign provoked strong reactions from the public. The number of calls to the call center via SOS hotline increased by 120% compared to the same period last year.

Winning project at the Disrupt prize competition in the category of Agencies and Media – Communication.


The approach to this year’s SAM Gala event was in accordance with the key values ​​of the Serbian Association of Managers – a comprehensive view of business, long-term sustainability of the ecosystem and other important universal issues.


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Government, Business Associations and NGO

For the awards ceremony attended by more than four hundred guests, among whom are the most eminent representatives from the world of business, management and foundations, we responded to scenographic, technical and programming challenges, and special attention was paid to the elaboration of the concept, because for the first time the eighth SAM Gala had a theme – MANAGER 4.0.

The main stage was conceived as a space with a video wall of seven led screens, which was designed to create a three-dimensional whole. The program was divided into four units, represented by values: reliability, friendship, change and responsibility.

Each unit was accompanied by a change of ambience, a change of colors and effects, and the very act of awarding the award for manager of the year was accompanied by a combination of all four colors, a symbolic synthesis of all values ​​into one.

This year, the “young manager” category was presented through short and cheerful animated films. The films presented the path to success of the nominees, through the vision of the future of their business.

In order to increase the involvement of the audience, live voting was also introduced, through the SliDo application, in the informal categories for Gala Lady and Gala Gentleman of the evening.

The three-hour program was led by actors Srđan Timarov and Jelena Gavrilović, who performed a cover of Sinatra’s famous song “My Way”, the text of which was adapted to the theme of the event. The overall atmosphere was completed by the performances of the attractive electro-string band Alektik.

The event was refreshed with a combination of futurism and elegance that consistently linked the thematic goals and values ​​of the event with the stage audio-visual experience.