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This year, the International Field Day was celebrated by the agricultural industry companies Nufarm and Nuseed with the “Innovation Days” event at their demonstration field near Novi Sad. Nufarm and Nuseed hosted buyers and members of the media from over 10 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.



During the four-day event, these two agricultural giants presented their innovative solutions in the field of sustainable agriculture and food safety. The team of the M2Communications agency was in charge of the creative concept, complete production and realization of this so far the largest and most comprehensive event held by Nufarm and Nuseed in Serbia.


During the field tour, event guests had the opportunity to attend presentations of numerous agricultural crops in specially designed glamping domes. These innovative domes also had the function of a special showroom, where the companies Nufarm and Nuseed presented their most current products.



Also, the space for the guests was enriched with a custom-made construction that allowed them to record the most beautiful panoramic photos from a height as a single memory from this innovative event. Special emphasis was placed on the selection of the highest quality food and drinks, and in accordance with the needs of holding such an event outdoors, the concept of street food was successfully implemented.


M2C at La Cité du Vin wine museum

The M2Communications team visited the far-famed La Cité du Vin wine museum in the French city of Bordeaux.

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Two silver awards for M2Communications

In very strong competition from one of the most globally recognized festivals in the field of event & experience marketing, Eventex, M2C won two silver awards with the projects Wine Vision by Open Balkan and Cupra Hero – interactive video.

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M2Communications in the finals of the Eventex Awards

Two projects of our agency made it to the finals for the prestigious international Eventex Awards, in two categories – Fair and Interactive Storytelling.

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