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M2C at La Cité du Vin wine museum

m2c | M2C at La Cité du Vin wine museum

The M2Communications team visited the far-famed wine museum La Cité du Vina in the French city of Bordeaux, whose external shape resembles a wine decanter, a swirling glass spiral through which sommeliers pour wine into a glass.


Passing through the exhibition of this spectacular museum, which covers an area of ​​3000 m², the creatives and producers of our agency set out on a journey around the world of wine and viticulture, discovering at the same time the history of the wine industry, from the dawn of civilization, through antiquity, and all the way to modern times.


For all wine lovers, the La Cité du Vin museum offers an interactive sensory experience called Via Sensoria “in which 4 impressive dream-like spaces reflect 4 surprising tastings of world wines, combined with visual, sound and poetic creations”, as stated in the description of this multisensory installation .


It could be said that the whole museum is an impressive guide to the human passion for wine, with cleverly combined analogue, digital, educational and entertainment elements of the exhibition, engaging all the visitors’ senses. La Cité du Vin provides information about the key wine regions, the most important grape varieties and the aromas of the most famous wines, which all add up to this unforgettable audiovisual and multisensory experience.


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