“Expedition to Mars” is a conceptual project created for Delta Motors in celebration of the launch of the new BMW X3 model. The expedition brought together over 600 members with the goal of exploring the Red Planet and unveiling the new BMW model.
Experience Design & Event Production
Top 10
Video & Photo Production
Automotive Industry
Expedition members had the opportunity to experience a cosmic journey from Earth to the southern hemisphere of the Red Planet.
The adventure began with passing through a digital tunnel, designed to resemble the interior of a spaceship. The cosmic journey experience was further enhanced with video animations on LED screens, sound effects, and special effects.
The evening continued with the first interplanetary party, featuring performances by DJ Miss Millie and the band Girls, Boys and Toys. Event activations were set up under domes in the form of exploration stations: Test Drive Station (VR activation “X3 Exploring Mars”), Memories from Mars (chroma-key photos from Mars), and the Microgravity Bar.
BMW used the “eXpedition to Mars” as a platform to generate new leads and sales funnels, bringing together a large number of interested and potential customers in one place.
The entire campaign was further reinforced by digital and OOH (Out of Home) advertising, while the journey of each lead to a customer was carefully tracked through CRM. This allowed for a clear assessment of the direct sales results and the calculation of event ROI.
The significant resonance of the “eXpedition to Mars,” both through its generic media reach and the long-term word-of-mouth effect*, created a strong impact in the automotive industry and influenced the way experiences are crafted at events. Sa ovim projektom osvojili smo nagrade na sledećim festivalima:
– Treća nagrada na Best Event Award Festivalu 2018.
– Treća nagrada na festivalu Eventiada IPRA u Moskvi 2018.
– ATTEND nagrada na RSVP festivalu u Zagrebu 2018.